Welcome to the 4 Pillars of Reinvention

Pillar 1: Imagination

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world."

Imagination is the first step towards reinvention. Give yourself, your mind unlimited space to think what if, what would be terrific in my life, what would I really love, who would I love to be? By imagining you can come up with ideas that your rational mind might not be able to. Our rational minds are based on the past and are designed to keep us safe and limited. It creates constraints. There is freedom in imagination.  Don’t hold yourself back. Put no restrictions on yourself. This tool of imagination will be very important as you move through your journey of reinvention. Keep something handy where you can record some of these ideas. Don’t discount any of them!

Where do you most allow yourself to imagine, to dream without any judgements or limitations? Is it out in nature, taking a walk, a hike, a run? Maybe journaling or going to a museum where you can be inspired. Or simply turning up some music real loud blocking out any distractions. Find whatever works for you. And have fun! Imagination flourishes in fun and play.